
Why Buying a Home Is a Sound Decision

If you’re thinking about buying a home, you want to know the decision will be a good one. And for many, that means thinking about what home prices are projected to do in the coming years and how ...

You May Not Need as Much as You Think for Your Dow...

Some Highlights Many people believe you need to put down 20% of the purchase price when you buy a home. But recent homebuyers actually put down far less on their purchase. And with programs like FHA loans, VA loans, and USDA loans, some qualified buyers ...

4 Keys to Reaching Your Homebuying Goals in 2023

Some Highlights If you’re planning to buy a home in 2023, here are a few things to focus on. Work on your credit and save for a down payment. If saving feels like a challenge, there’s help available. Then, get pre-approved, create a list of ...