Home Ownership

The Best Way To Keep Track of Mortgage Rate Trends

If you’re thinking about buying a home, chances are you’ve got mortgage rates on your mind. You’ve heard about how they impact how much you can afford in your monthly mortgage payment, and you want to make sure you’re factoring that in as ...

Your Homebuying Adventure [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights Here are the key milestones you’ll encounter on your path to homeownership. From building your team, to house hunting, all the way to moving into your new home – it’s an exciting adventure. Your journey starts here. Let’s connect so you ...

Is Owning a Home Still the American Dream for Youn...

Everyone has their own idea of the American Dream, and it’s different for each person. But, in a recent survey by Bankrate, people were asked about the achievements they believe represent the American Dream the most. The answers show that owning ...

Homeowner Net Worth Has Skyrocketed

If you’re weighing your options to decide whether it makes more sense to rent or buy a home today, here’s one key data point that could help you feel more confident in making your decision. Every three years, the Federal Reserve ...